Thursday, August 11, 2011

During the hard times...

Hard times...we all have them, some days it seems like more than we can handle..I was just talking with someone today who shared with me that she didn't know how much more God was going to throw at her, because it had been a rough couple of weeks and she had all she could handle.  I was reminded of one of my favorite teaching pastors at Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church,  Mike Bowie just shared last weekend a quote worth remembering...."Sometimes a set-back is a set-up for a GREAT COME-BACK!"  I love this, you see Mike is a man who had been living with a brain tumor for 12 years and had no idea until he sat in a staff meeting in 2008 and then started having a seizure...of course, it was then found out that he had a baseball size tumor and really nobody would thought he would be here to talk about his trials today..but he made it through and shares that those days of being in the hospital, thinking he was dying, then having to leave his job at GUM were, although hard days, they were also BLESSINGS, he realized how strong he was and how much he had to be grateful for.

I dont have a story as dramatic as Mr. Bowie's, but I do like to remember that during all the "hard times," there are always blessings to be found, sometimes you have to really seek them out, but they are there.

Maybe this link will work to last weekend's sermon, if you have an extra 20 minutes or so..very worth it!

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